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The Central Districts cricket team

Publicada el 09-06-2024 | Equipo Webcams de Asturias

The Central Districts cricket team is like the heartbeat of cricket in New Zealand's heartland.

Imagen de la noticia

Established back in 1950, it represents the vibrant region that stretches from Taranaki to Hawke's Bay. You can find the best IPL betting in India with 1xBet, where it is also possible to wager on cricket from New Zealand too.

There are 3 areas that are represented by this team, which are:

  • Manawatu
  • Wanganui
  • Wairarapa

The squad is not just about cricket; it's about the people, the passion, and the pride that come with being part of something truly special.

Regarding the history of the team, we can say that after its establishment in 1950, it immediately began to play in mostly 4 venues. They are McLean Park, Pukekura Park, Fitzherbert Park, and Saxton Oval. From there, they have made history over and over again, by winning countless trophies of New Zealand cricket that constantly take place.

Something quite notable happened between 2016 and 2019. More specifically, during this period, the team had the 2nd longest period without a single defeat when considering only 1st class matches. Their impressive streak was 21 matches long, which stands ever since. They are only surpassed by Wellington with 24. In fact, they also pulverized their own record of 12 matches without a defeat.

Peter Ingram is one of the most important figures in the history of the team. He broke multiple top score records while he was a player of the team during the 2000s and 2010s. By the way, records are also broken at the IPL, and to make the best cricket betting in India on it, you can go to the 1xBet website now.

Speaking about records, other illustrious names who have broken plenty of them while playing for Central Districts are Jamie How and Jeet Raval. In fact, the 2 players formed a deadly partnership that secured a record of 321 in 2013.

Another illustrious name to play for Central District is Ross Taylor. He made his debut in 2003 when he was only 18 years old, and from that point on, he would secure legendary status within the team. In fact, he broke the record of having the fastest century ever obtained in the Ford Trophy. He did so by needing just 49 balls for scoring those 100 runs, which happened during the 2021-22 season.

Lots of trophies

We can not really talk about Central Districts without mentioning their trophy cabinet. At this moment you can go to, and use this platform to wager on other teams who win plenty of trophies too.

For example, the Plunket Shield is the most important domestic cricket trophy in New Zealand. Between 1953 and 2023, the team won this competition a staggering 12 times, which puts them as the most winning squad of this trophy.

But things do not end there, because the Ford Trophy, which is another big competition in New Zealand, has also been claimed by Central Districts. They have done so 6 times between 1984 and 2023. Finally, another competition where they have also had great performances is the Men s Super Smash. They have won it 3 times between 2007 and 2019. At the 1xBet website you can discover fantastic opportunities to wager on those great competitions too.

In 2020, Central Districts was about to break another record. Specifically, they had a serious chance to win a 3rd consecutive Plunket Shield, which was something that no team had done before. Unfortunately, we all know too well what happened during 2020 which led to the cancelation of many things, including sports events. The Plunket Shield was canceled too, and when the cancellation was made official, Central Districts was in 2nd place. For this reason, they were declared the runners-up of the competition behind Wellington, who were in 1st place.

In fact, the 2022-23 season was historic for the Central Districts team. This was because they won for the first time both the Plunket Shield and the Ford Trophy in a single season. As it can be seen, if there is a team that is used to winning cricket trophies in New Zealand, that would certainly be Central Districts.

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Otras noticias

  • (c) Webcams de Asturias
  • Todos los derechos reservados


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